Slips, Trips and Falls

Slips, Trips and Falls

Having a  trip or fall is something experienced by countless people. This may be due to a slippery floor caused by a spillage, defective footpath, defective pavement/road or a hazard in a public place, amongst many other reasons.

A lot of the time people are lucky enough to escape without any injuries, however, if you have experienced an accident causing you injury, then we are here to help you.

Our legal specialists will talk you through your accident and then guide you through each stage of the process. In this way, we aim to put you in the best possible position to get the result you want.

You may experience an accident due to negligence by a business, the council, or building landlords who fail to take the correct safety measures. Anyone who owns or manages a public property has a responsibility to keep tenants, pedestrians, and the general public safe. 

Slips, trips or falls usually but not always fall under one of the below categories due to a failure to implement proper safety measures:
Contact us for a no-obligation chat so that we can discuss your accident and see whether you may be able to get compensation.